Korvakorut, kookos

Tuotekoodi: KT_C1 (BER 040) 15,08€12,82€
Määrä: kpl

Materiaali: kirurginteräs ja kookoksenkuori
Ei sisällä nikkeliä, lyijyä tai kadmiumia

Koko: 22x60mm

Valmistettu käsityönä perinteisin menetelmin

Coconut is a by product from the coco-nut industry making it a one of the most environmentally friendly material.

Valmistaja: Organic Jewelry - kestävän kehityksen periaatteella vastuullisesti valmistettuja koruja

Koruissa käytetty puu on kestävästi kerätty eikä mitään uhanalaisia puita käytetä. Yrityksellä on omia metsiä, joissa koruihin käytetty puu kasvaa; puita ei kerätä luonnontilaisista sademetsistä. Jokaista kaadettua puuta kohden istutetaan kaksi uutta puuta.

Suuri osa myynnistä palaa rahana takaisin paikallisyhteisöihin. Yritys on mukana erilaisissa yhteiskunnallisissa kehityshankkeissa ja auttaa paikallisia taloudellisesti mm. rakentamaan uusia kouluja. Yritys vastustaa ehdottomasti lapsityövoimaa.

Yritys kirjoittaa sivuillaan näin:

We are making considerable contributions to help protecting rainforest. We believe using endangered trees and cutting down our precious rainforest is a serious criminal offense. We have our own plantations where environmentally sustainable trees are produced for our organic body jewelry line. We always give back what we take. In our continuous effort to save the world we have a 2 for 1 policy in which we guarantee that we plant 2 trees back for every tree we take from our plantation. In this way we make our contribution to a more environment friendly future and help decreasing harm done by green house gasses.

We produce our products in remote areas of Indonesia and Thailand where local expertise still fuels traditional techniques of hand carving jewelry. After years of research we have now created our own factories where highly skilled and experienced locals are doing what they do best; hand carving with great care and finesse a unimaginable beautiful piece of art what is known to you as our exquisite line of organic jewelry. In our production we use natural raw materials that locals have used for thousands of years. Far and away from the modern world we found local people that are capable of creating and producing jewelry combining our ultra modern designs with traditional carving ways that can only be learned by passing them on from generation to generation.

We have always taken a strong stand against certain injustices in our world. That's why we aggressively fight against child labor. Our team ensures that our organic jewelry line is produced without any involvement of anyone under the age of 18.

We have been awarded and praised for our harsh stand against certain injustices in our modern world. We will continue our effort to make our world a better place.